Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Inter Session, October 2011

The Rock Island School District #41 is on its fall break and the Church of Peace United Church of Christ decided to continue the Family Literacy Program that takes place at the church. So with help from the Doris and Victor Day Foundation and United Way of the Quad Cities we are providing English as a Second Language instruction for adults, a daycare program for the young children of these adult learners, and for the inter-session time, a reading focused program for the elementary age children of these adult learners. The church is a busy place with programming on all three floors!

On our first day we had 27 in the elementary age group, 21 in the daycare, and over 40 adult learners pursuing their study of the English language.

One of the really strong developments this fall semester is that we have been able to provide small group instruction for adults that is more closely sorted according to level of English competency. This is made possible with the help of volunteers. And many of these volunteers are credentialed teachers with years of experience! How fortunate for our new immigrant and refugee learners.

Another source of volunteers is Augustana College and St Ambrose University. The students provide a freshness and enthusiasm that is very positive. Additionally, our adult learners are relatively young adults, and they relate well with the college and university students.

Finally, because school is not in session the church is able to provide breakfast and lunch to the students through the Illinois State Board of Education nutrition program. With children bussed down from the Academy we had over 125 folks enjoying lunch yesterday. We had to set up extra tables and chairs in the fellowship hall!

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