Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Into the 90's...

I have young adult children who tease me about lack of techno savy. That said, I am trying to enter at least the 1990's with this bolg. I am a pastor in a Midwestern church where I have been called since 1991. Our church was established in 1895 and has been in its present location since about 1913. We are in a near downtown location.

Since about 1975 the church has taken the direction of being in mission within our neighborhood, where there are a number of low income residents. The church sponsors an Outreach program, is in partnership with the Community Caring Conference, a grass roots neighborhood organizing project, sponsored a lunch program for kids this summer that served over 10,000 meals to children, and we have developed a program called "Book Nook" to help promote reading at our neighborhood school.

I hope to post bits and pieces of my experience as a minister that may be of interest to others.

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