Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Beautiful Gift

Last May a lifelong member of the Church of Peace, Nancy Snyder, died suddenly. She was a single person and her brothers and their families made all of the arrangements and when the funeral had been completed one of the brothers called me on the phone. He explained that Nancy had carried forward a collection of Hummel nativity figures that may have been established by their mother, Marge, or may have been begun by a family friend, Mildred Lamp. In any case, after family discussion, they wanted to make these figures a gift to the church.
In this photo they have been set up by our Altar Guild chairperson so that the council could see them. They are stored away and will be used at Advent and Christmas. What a beautiful gift. And beyond their beauty, what an honor that a collection made with love over years and years has found a place to be shared in the church.

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