Doing ministry together means developing relationships. "Accompaniment" is one of the purposes of the Mayan Ministry group that I am part of. One of the dear moments on this trip was when we did a little pastoral calling, an example of accompaniment .
There is a sister named Patti who works with a particular parish south of San Cristobal de las Casas. This parish in Chiapas has an ongoing relationship with a United Church of Christ in Grand Marais, Minnesota. (That is on the Lake Superior and almost up to Canada!)
Well it turns out Patti has had some health difficulties, and one of the women in Grand Marais knit her a prayer shawl. (Our church does this too, for those who are unfamiliar, this is how it works. The gift of the prayer shawl reminds the recipient of the love and concern that surrounds them from a church community. So when one wears the shawl they think about the prayers, love and concern expressed on their behalf.) It was our special task to deliver the shawl.
So, on January 27, we took public transportation to Teopisca, which is down the Pan American Highway from San Cristobal. And then we met Patti in the rectory at the church on the public square in the middle of town. We visited for a time, had coffee and cookies and then Paula did the presentation on behalf of the Grand Marais church.
We had a prayer and were on our way. It is a beautiful, large shawl! It is interesting to think that I could have been doing almost exactly the same thing making a call with our Parish Nurse in Rock Island, Illinois.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Celebration at INESIN
On Sunday afternoon, January 24, we arrived at the Instituto de Estudios e Investigacion Intercultural A.C., INESIN, by taxi. There were lots of people at the door and spilling out into the street.
When we looked through the door the place was packed. Large tarps were hung from the rooftops and shaded the courtyard. A Mayan altar was set up with flowers, candles and copal incense. Bishop Samuel Ruiz, Bishop Raul Vera and other dignitaries sat at a dais on the porticoed porch of the main dormitory. Rented blue chairs were set up facing the dais and seemingly hundreds of people, indigenous, foreigners and others occupied most of them.
After we had been there for a short time the group broke for a sit down lunch. Tables and chairs were moved to various points around the campus. Bud, Paula and I ended up sitting in the back, behind the dining hall, with a group of men from Las Abejas (The Bees.) They wore beribboned hats and traditional dress. We had chicken and rice with tortillas. We later learned that INESIN served lunch to 250 persons!
While the event was planned to honor Don Samuel, Don Raul, and others, it was in some ways a passing of the baton. The gist seemed to be to begin to institutionalize the movement that has been personally associated with Don Samuel. But no one lives forever. Bishop Ruiz had made gifts to CODIMUJ, INESIN, SIPAZ and one other group. They in turn identified grass roots workers in Indian Theology, The Bees, and a group in working with political prisoners for their liberationist work in Chiapas. Each of these grass roots groups received an award and a grant.
It was exciting to see the efforts at the formation of a movement. It was even more exciting to me to see INESIN right in the middle of things, using their wonderful facility to bring people of many backgrounds together for such an event, and illustrating their competence in hosting such a big celebration.
When we looked through the door the place was packed. Large tarps were hung from the rooftops and shaded the courtyard. A Mayan altar was set up with flowers, candles and copal incense. Bishop Samuel Ruiz, Bishop Raul Vera and other dignitaries sat at a dais on the porticoed porch of the main dormitory. Rented blue chairs were set up facing the dais and seemingly hundreds of people, indigenous, foreigners and others occupied most of them.
After we had been there for a short time the group broke for a sit down lunch. Tables and chairs were moved to various points around the campus. Bud, Paula and I ended up sitting in the back, behind the dining hall, with a group of men from Las Abejas (The Bees.) They wore beribboned hats and traditional dress. We had chicken and rice with tortillas. We later learned that INESIN served lunch to 250 persons!
While the event was planned to honor Don Samuel, Don Raul, and others, it was in some ways a passing of the baton. The gist seemed to be to begin to institutionalize the movement that has been personally associated with Don Samuel. But no one lives forever. Bishop Ruiz had made gifts to CODIMUJ, INESIN, SIPAZ and one other group. They in turn identified grass roots workers in Indian Theology, The Bees, and a group in working with political prisoners for their liberationist work in Chiapas. Each of these grass roots groups received an award and a grant.
It was exciting to see the efforts at the formation of a movement. It was even more exciting to me to see INESIN right in the middle of things, using their wonderful facility to bring people of many backgrounds together for such an event, and illustrating their competence in hosting such a big celebration.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Pastoral Theology Congress
Our first day in San Cristobal de Las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico, was the last day of a Congress on Pastoral Theology that was held in conjunction with the celebration of the Golden Anniversary of Bishop Samuel Ruiz. You will recall that one of the thrusts of Vatican II was that there should be a little more diversity, respecting the specific experiences of various locations in the world in proclaiming the gospel. This giving greater weight to local circumstance and the notion of calling together Bishops from around the world to compare and share experiences with each other in a collegial setting was one of the profound and controversial elements of the Vatican Council. Pastoral Theology, in contrast with Academic Theology or Conciliar Theology would be emphasized in this model.
In cooperation with the Diocese of San Cristobal a list of well known international speakers had been assembled along with more local theologians as well. From the poster below we can see that the scheduled speakers include: Gustavo Gutierrez, Peru; Georgina Zubiria, Mexico; Bishop Victor Corral, of Ecudor; Eleazer Lopez, Mexico; and from the Diocese of San Cristobal - Jorge Santiago, Refugio Esparza, Guadalupe Rojas and Manuel Hurtato. Gutierrez was ill and unable to attend, but so far as I know all the other presenters were able to attend.
When we arrived at the Congress a friend, Fr. Henry, had registered all three of us and had name tags, which made us feel right at home. We were surprised at how many people in the audience we were acquainted with already.
We had heard that at the end of the program there would be a time for presentations to Bishop Ruiz. We identified ourselves as an Ecumenical group that had a gift for the Bishop - a crystal desk ornament from Common Global Ministries, and a letter of congratulations from our Executive for Latin America and Carribean, Rev. Felix Ortiz-Cotto. At a certain point, about three presentations after that from Pope Benedict, presented by Bishop Felipe Arizmendi, we received word that we were next. We had seen Rev. Delle McCormick also in attendance, so we gathered her into our little delegation on the way to the stage.
In cooperation with the Diocese of San Cristobal a list of well known international speakers had been assembled along with more local theologians as well. From the poster below we can see that the scheduled speakers include: Gustavo Gutierrez, Peru; Georgina Zubiria, Mexico; Bishop Victor Corral, of Ecudor; Eleazer Lopez, Mexico; and from the Diocese of San Cristobal - Jorge Santiago, Refugio Esparza, Guadalupe Rojas and Manuel Hurtato. Gutierrez was ill and unable to attend, but so far as I know all the other presenters were able to attend.
When we arrived at the Congress a friend, Fr. Henry, had registered all three of us and had name tags, which made us feel right at home. We were surprised at how many people in the audience we were acquainted with already.
We had heard that at the end of the program there would be a time for presentations to Bishop Ruiz. We identified ourselves as an Ecumenical group that had a gift for the Bishop - a crystal desk ornament from Common Global Ministries, and a letter of congratulations from our Executive for Latin America and Carribean, Rev. Felix Ortiz-Cotto. At a certain point, about three presentations after that from Pope Benedict, presented by Bishop Felipe Arizmendi, we received word that we were next. We had seen Rev. Delle McCormick also in attendance, so we gathered her into our little delegation on the way to the stage.
Rev. Paula Bidle made the presentation. She gave a little background on how our association with Don Samuel had begun with our common assistance to the Guatemalan Refugees beginning in 1982, and had continued over the years. She then read the fine letter from Felix, that outlined the two missionaries that had come in solidarity with the Diocese - Rev. Bidle and Rev. McCormick. There seemed to be some recognition of our participation and partnership that has now run some 28 years now, and is carried forward through the efforts on INESIN. It was an emotional moment for me.
Below is the text of the letter from Felix in both English and Spanish.
Indianapolis, Indiana
January 8, 2010
Bishop Samuel Ruiz
Chiapas, México
Very esteemed Bishop Ruiz:
The United Church of Christ (USA), and the Christian Church (Disciples
of Christ) in the U.S. and Canada, by way of Global Ministries, send very
cordial greetings on the celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of your
consecration as Bishop of the Catholic Church in Mexico. Receive
greetings from the Rev. Cally Rogers and the Rev. David Vargas, Co-
Executive of Global Ministries.
We thank God for your life and your ministry as a pastor and prophet.
We celebrate your commitment to the Gospel that brings peace as the
fruit of justice. We rejoice in your support of the Gospel that does away
with the colonization enterprise environment; which proposes a new way
to relate to one another, with respect and admiration, with the ancient
cultures that inhabit Chiapas, and with other church and religious
expressions that accompany the people in their daily struggles.
We remember the relationship that began several years ago between the
Diocese of San Cristobal de las Casas and the Conferences of the United
Church of Illinois and Wisconsin. As a result of that relationship, the
Global Ministries missionary Paula Bidle and Delle McCormick, served
through the Diocese until the year 2002. We celebrate that the
relationship with the Diocese gave way to INESIN (the Institute for
Intercultural Studies and Research).
We recognize your struggle in defense of life and Creation, in moments
when doing so would put your life at risk. For this reason, you received
the recognition of Global Ministries in the General Assembly of the
Disciples of Christ Church, held in Denver, Colorado in 1997 when you
were awarded the Affirmation Award for Latin America and the
Caribbean, for your commitment to human rights.
We reaffirm our joy and commitment to further deepen the fraternal
relationship with the Diocese, under the current leadership of Bishop
Felipe Arizmendi.
Thank you, Pastor Don Samuel, for following the footsteps of the Master.
Félix Ortiz
Indianápolis, Indiana
8 de enero de 2010
Obispo Rev. Samuel Ruiz
Chiapas, México
Muy estimado Obispo Ruiz:
La Iglesia Unida de Cristo de EEUU, y la Iglesia Cristiana (Discípulos de
Cristo) de Estados Unidos y Canadá, por medio de los Ministerios
Globales, le saluda muy cordialmente en la celebración del Cincuenta
Aniversario de su consagración como Obispo de la Iglesia Católica en
México. Reciba los saludos de la Rev. Cally Rogers y el Rev. David
Vargas, Co-Ejecutivos de Ministerios Globales.
Damos gracias a Dios por su vida y su apostolado como pastor y como
profeta. Celebramos su compromiso con el Evangelio que trae paz como
fruto de la justicia. Nos regocijamos en su aporte al Evangelio que se
vacía de su entorno de empresa colonizadora; que propone una nueva
forma de relacionarse, con respeto y admiración, con las culturas
milenarias que habitan Chiapas, y con otras expresiones eclesiales y
religiosas que acompañan al pueblo en sus luchas cotidianas.
Recordamos la relación que se inició hace algunos años entre la Diócesis
de San Cristóbal de las Casas y las Conferencias de la Iglesia Unida
de Illinois y Wisconsin. Como fruto de dicha relación, la misionera de
Ministerios Globales, Paula Bidle y Delle McCormick, sirvieron por medio
de la Diócesis hasta el año 2002. Nos regocija que dicha relación con la
Diócesis dio paso a INESIN (el Instituto de Estudios e Investigación
Reconocemos su lucha por la defensa de la vida y de la Creación, en
momentos en los cuales hacerlo implicaba poner la vida en riesgo. Por
tal razón, usted recibió el reconocimiento de Ministerios Globales en la
Asamblea General de la Iglesia Discípulos de Cristo, celebrada en
Denver, Colorado, en el 1997, cuando se le otorgó el premio de
Afirmación para América Latina y el Caribe, por su compromiso con los
derechos humanos.
Reafirmamos nuestra alegría y compromiso con seguir profundizando la
relación fraterna con la Diócesis, bajo la dirección actual del Obispo
Felipe Arizmendi.
Gracias, Pastor Don Samuel, por seguir las huellas del Maestro.
Félix Ortiz
January 8, 2010
Bishop Samuel Ruiz
Chiapas, México
Very esteemed Bishop Ruiz:
The United Church of Christ (USA), and the Christian Church (Disciples
of Christ) in the U.S. and Canada, by way of Global Ministries, send very
cordial greetings on the celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of your
consecration as Bishop of the Catholic Church in Mexico. Receive
greetings from the Rev. Cally Rogers and the Rev. David Vargas, Co-
Executive of Global Ministries.
We thank God for your life and your ministry as a pastor and prophet.
We celebrate your commitment to the Gospel that brings peace as the
fruit of justice. We rejoice in your support of the Gospel that does away
with the colonization enterprise environment; which proposes a new way
to relate to one another, with respect and admiration, with the ancient
cultures that inhabit Chiapas, and with other church and religious
expressions that accompany the people in their daily struggles.
We remember the relationship that began several years ago between the
Diocese of San Cristobal de las Casas and the Conferences of the United
Church of Illinois and Wisconsin. As a result of that relationship, the
Global Ministries missionary Paula Bidle and Delle McCormick, served
through the Diocese until the year 2002. We celebrate that the
relationship with the Diocese gave way to INESIN (the Institute for
Intercultural Studies and Research).
We recognize your struggle in defense of life and Creation, in moments
when doing so would put your life at risk. For this reason, you received
the recognition of Global Ministries in the General Assembly of the
Disciples of Christ Church, held in Denver, Colorado in 1997 when you
were awarded the Affirmation Award for Latin America and the
Caribbean, for your commitment to human rights.
We reaffirm our joy and commitment to further deepen the fraternal
relationship with the Diocese, under the current leadership of Bishop
Felipe Arizmendi.
Thank you, Pastor Don Samuel, for following the footsteps of the Master.
Félix Ortiz
Indianápolis, Indiana
8 de enero de 2010
Obispo Rev. Samuel Ruiz
Chiapas, México
Muy estimado Obispo Ruiz:
La Iglesia Unida de Cristo de EEUU, y la Iglesia Cristiana (Discípulos de
Cristo) de Estados Unidos y Canadá, por medio de los Ministerios
Globales, le saluda muy cordialmente en la celebración del Cincuenta
Aniversario de su consagración como Obispo de la Iglesia Católica en
México. Reciba los saludos de la Rev. Cally Rogers y el Rev. David
Vargas, Co-Ejecutivos de Ministerios Globales.
Damos gracias a Dios por su vida y su apostolado como pastor y como
profeta. Celebramos su compromiso con el Evangelio que trae paz como
fruto de la justicia. Nos regocijamos en su aporte al Evangelio que se
vacía de su entorno de empresa colonizadora; que propone una nueva
forma de relacionarse, con respeto y admiración, con las culturas
milenarias que habitan Chiapas, y con otras expresiones eclesiales y
religiosas que acompañan al pueblo en sus luchas cotidianas.
Recordamos la relación que se inició hace algunos años entre la Diócesis
de San Cristóbal de las Casas y las Conferencias de la Iglesia Unida
de Illinois y Wisconsin. Como fruto de dicha relación, la misionera de
Ministerios Globales, Paula Bidle y Delle McCormick, sirvieron por medio
de la Diócesis hasta el año 2002. Nos regocija que dicha relación con la
Diócesis dio paso a INESIN (el Instituto de Estudios e Investigación
Reconocemos su lucha por la defensa de la vida y de la Creación, en
momentos en los cuales hacerlo implicaba poner la vida en riesgo. Por
tal razón, usted recibió el reconocimiento de Ministerios Globales en la
Asamblea General de la Iglesia Discípulos de Cristo, celebrada en
Denver, Colorado, en el 1997, cuando se le otorgó el premio de
Afirmación para América Latina y el Caribe, por su compromiso con los
derechos humanos.
Reafirmamos nuestra alegría y compromiso con seguir profundizando la
relación fraterna con la Diócesis, bajo la dirección actual del Obispo
Felipe Arizmendi.
Gracias, Pastor Don Samuel, por seguir las huellas del Maestro.
Félix Ortiz
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Celebration Mass, January 25, 2010
While in Mexico we (Bud, Paula and I) attended three large celebrations that featured Bishop Samuel Ruiz. One was a Congress on Pastoral Theology, another was an event at INESIN to identify and celebrates partners in carrying forward Bishop Ruiz agenda, and the third, most public was an open air Mass in the square - Peace Square - next door to the Cathedral.
To give some idea of that third event I want to share a translation of sorts of the remarks of the current Bishop, Felipe Arizmendi. Those who prefer Spanish can find the complete text on the website of the Diocesef of San Cristobal de Las Casas.
We meet with joy to celebrate 50 years since jTatic Samuel Ruiz Garcia was ordained a bishop here in our Cathedral at the age of 35. We thank God for the total surrender of your life, your walk in the soil and the mud of the three regions that make up our diocese: Forest, Border and the High-lands. We thank God for his commitment to liberation from the shackles of slavery suffered by most indigenous brothers. We thank God – and that is the Eucharist, a thanksgiving, for his permanent-prophetic denunciations against injustices that our people have suffered, not only in Chiapas and Mexico, but also concerning global structures of injustice and fairness worldwide.
Thank you very much, Don Samuel, for your generous dedication to our people. Thanks very much for all the sacrifices, for the walk among us, because of your closeness and commitment to the oppressed. That you, with all your being, are an offering pleasing to the Father God, with the grace of the Spirit, through Christ, with him and in him and that he will keep you in good health, grace and peace.
Jesus Christ our Lord is the visible manifestation of the merciful love of our good Father God, realizing the old promises of a liberating evangelization to the poor. Jesus Christ is our inspiration, our only path, the source of our life, the goal of our pilgrimage, our Savior, Redeemer, Deliverer. Therefore, we conclude the Jubilee Year with the Eucharist, as we put on the altar, along with Jesus, victim and sacrifice His life and work, jTatic Samuel, to be resurrection and hope, full of life for our peoples.
We are here with you, to thank the whole church family: First, is his brother Joseph, his nephews, relatives and friends (standing and applause). They accompanies us from heaven, Luchita, his dear sister and their parents and kin.
He is accompanied by sisters and brothers of other faiths (standing and applause), on this day so meaningful to you and the ecumenical movement, since today concludes worldwide Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.
He is joined by brother bishops: Archbishop Rogelio Cabrera, our Metropolitan Archbishop, who is representing the Council of Presidents of our Episcopal Conference. We accompany Bishop Arturo Lona, Emeritus of Tehuantepec, Bishop Victor Coral, Riobamba, Ecuador, Bishop Raul Vera of Saltillo, Bishop Leopoldo Gonzalez, Tapachula, Bishop Benjamin Castillo of Tabasco, Bishop Jose’ Luis Mendoza, Assistant Tuxtla Gutierrez, and our dear brother Enrique Diaz.
He also is accompanied by our Pope Benedict XVI, who sent him a special Apostolic Blessing, which reads: Our Venerable Brother, Samuel Ruiz Garcia, Bishop Emeritus of San Cristobal de Las Casas. We are very pleased with his Golden Jubilee of Episcopal Ordination, at the same time recognizing their activities in the diocese entrusted to his pastoral care. We express our spiritual closeness. The Pope imparts his apostolic blessing as a sign of divine grace. Given at the Vatican, on the 30th day of December, 2009.
At the end of Mass, Don Samuel will give the blessing with plenary indulgence to those who are eligible for the grace of God, have communion and pray for the intentions of the Holy Father.
Thank you very much to those who join us in this jubilee celebration, have come from other dioceses and other countries (standing and applause).
Thank you very much, particularly the large number of sisters and brothers of believers who have come on pilgrimage from all parishes of the diocese, to express his gratitude to Samuel jTatic and to express their pain and suffering, their claims and requirements, which are offering prayer and united to the redemptive of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.
Thank you very much to the communities, catechists, animators, seminarians, deacons, sisters, brothers and priests, who put so much effort to celebrate the Jubilee Year in the seven jTatic Samuel pastoral regions of the diocese. Thank you very much, especially to those who organized the recent Theological-Pastoral Congress, which has helped us strengthen and promote the way of our diocesan Church to be in the challenges that this change of era we face, a Church native liberating evangelization servant, in communion and under the guidance of the Spirit, as indicated by our Third Synod and the Diocesan Pastoral Plan.
Let’s continue to celebrate this Jubilee, whose summit is the redemptive mystery of Christ, which extends and makes present the passion, death and resurrection of his people. We accompany our dear sister, Clemen, who will travel to bury her brother Elias Becerra, who passed away this morning.
This day coincides with the jubilee celebration of the liturgy of the conversion of the Apostle Paul, martyr servant of Jesus Christ, evangelizing that opened the doors of the church to other cultures, host of fraternal communities, the diversity of gifts and charismas.
Thank you very much, Don Samuel. Thank you very much to each and everyone. Let us enjoy this jubilee celebration.
+ Felipe Arizmendi Esquivel
Bishop of San Cristobal de Las Casas, Chiapas
We meet with joy to celebrate 50 years since jTatic Samuel Ruiz Garcia was ordained a bishop here in our Cathedral at the age of 35. We thank God for the total surrender of your life, your walk in the soil and the mud of the three regions that make up our diocese: Forest, Border and the High-lands. We thank God for his commitment to liberation from the shackles of slavery suffered by most indigenous brothers. We thank God – and that is the Eucharist, a thanksgiving, for his permanent-prophetic denunciations against injustices that our people have suffered, not only in Chiapas and Mexico, but also concerning global structures of injustice and fairness worldwide.
Thank you very much, Don Samuel, for your generous dedication to our people. Thanks very much for all the sacrifices, for the walk among us, because of your closeness and commitment to the oppressed. That you, with all your being, are an offering pleasing to the Father God, with the grace of the Spirit, through Christ, with him and in him and that he will keep you in good health, grace and peace.
Jesus Christ our Lord is the visible manifestation of the merciful love of our good Father God, realizing the old promises of a liberating evangelization to the poor. Jesus Christ is our inspiration, our only path, the source of our life, the goal of our pilgrimage, our Savior, Redeemer, Deliverer. Therefore, we conclude the Jubilee Year with the Eucharist, as we put on the altar, along with Jesus, victim and sacrifice His life and work, jTatic Samuel, to be resurrection and hope, full of life for our peoples.
We are here with you, to thank the whole church family: First, is his brother Joseph, his nephews, relatives and friends (standing and applause). They accompanies us from heaven, Luchita, his dear sister and their parents and kin.
He is accompanied by sisters and brothers of other faiths (standing and applause), on this day so meaningful to you and the ecumenical movement, since today concludes worldwide Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.
He is joined by brother bishops: Archbishop Rogelio Cabrera, our Metropolitan Archbishop, who is representing the Council of Presidents of our Episcopal Conference. We accompany Bishop Arturo Lona, Emeritus of Tehuantepec, Bishop Victor Coral, Riobamba, Ecuador, Bishop Raul Vera of Saltillo, Bishop Leopoldo Gonzalez, Tapachula, Bishop Benjamin Castillo of Tabasco, Bishop Jose’ Luis Mendoza, Assistant Tuxtla Gutierrez, and our dear brother Enrique Diaz.
He also is accompanied by our Pope Benedict XVI, who sent him a special Apostolic Blessing, which reads: Our Venerable Brother, Samuel Ruiz Garcia, Bishop Emeritus of San Cristobal de Las Casas. We are very pleased with his Golden Jubilee of Episcopal Ordination, at the same time recognizing their activities in the diocese entrusted to his pastoral care. We express our spiritual closeness. The Pope imparts his apostolic blessing as a sign of divine grace. Given at the Vatican, on the 30th day of December, 2009.
At the end of Mass, Don Samuel will give the blessing with plenary indulgence to those who are eligible for the grace of God, have communion and pray for the intentions of the Holy Father.
Thank you very much to those who join us in this jubilee celebration, have come from other dioceses and other countries (standing and applause).
Thank you very much, particularly the large number of sisters and brothers of believers who have come on pilgrimage from all parishes of the diocese, to express his gratitude to Samuel jTatic and to express their pain and suffering, their claims and requirements, which are offering prayer and united to the redemptive of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.
Thank you very much to the communities, catechists, animators, seminarians, deacons, sisters, brothers and priests, who put so much effort to celebrate the Jubilee Year in the seven jTatic Samuel pastoral regions of the diocese. Thank you very much, especially to those who organized the recent Theological-Pastoral Congress, which has helped us strengthen and promote the way of our diocesan Church to be in the challenges that this change of era we face, a Church native liberating evangelization servant, in communion and under the guidance of the Spirit, as indicated by our Third Synod and the Diocesan Pastoral Plan.
Let’s continue to celebrate this Jubilee, whose summit is the redemptive mystery of Christ, which extends and makes present the passion, death and resurrection of his people. We accompany our dear sister, Clemen, who will travel to bury her brother Elias Becerra, who passed away this morning.
This day coincides with the jubilee celebration of the liturgy of the conversion of the Apostle Paul, martyr servant of Jesus Christ, evangelizing that opened the doors of the church to other cultures, host of fraternal communities, the diversity of gifts and charismas.
Thank you very much, Don Samuel. Thank you very much to each and everyone. Let us enjoy this jubilee celebration.
+ Felipe Arizmendi Esquivel
Bishop of San Cristobal de Las Casas, Chiapas
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