One Great Hour of Sharing is one of those church wide offerings that we will receive at the Church of Peace this Sunday, March 22. This is one of those big offerings that benefit things like clean water and food, education and health care, micro credit loans, emergency relief, resettlement for refugees world wide. This program was established just after WWII in 1949 along with a number of other Christian Denominations. Last year the UCC collected about $2.9 million for this effort. The logo above is the one used in the UCC.

Just after WWII there was a great appreciation of what many people could accomplish if they worked together cooperatively. The second logo is one used by the Presbyterian Church as they too collect monies for OGHS.

This third piece of art is one used by the United Methodist Church as they too participate in the OGHS appeal.
I know that I should be thinking about the needs of people around the world for agricultural assistance, basic education and the like. But I find the spirit of ecumenical and international cooperation still excites me. I believe that God calls us to work together, and when we do we please God.