The congregation of the Church of Peace United Church of Christ in RockIsland along with other Quad City churches sent postcards to our USSenators regarding health care coverage.This program was coordinated by Quad Cities Interfaith.
These cards made the points that Health Care Coverage should:- Be available to all.- Be continuous.- Be affordable and sustainable for society. Congregants were asked to sign and make comments on the card and put them in the offering plate. Some of the comments were very interesting.
"No more delays!" "Get your acts together and get this done!" Some were more specific: "I am a federal retiree and would like to seeeverybody have the plan I enjoy.""My sister got sick, lost her job because of her illness, then lost herhealth coverage and is probably going bankrupt."
The many good comments reminded me that the concern is not just for sometheoretical "other people." Rather the concern is for ourselves andthose we love, along with a concern for society in general.
Jesus spent a lot of time in healing and health care efforts. Storyafter story of people with fever, skin disease, blindness, menstrualproblems, back problems are given in the Bible. And Jesus provided careto those who approached him. So maybe we are not far from the mark when we make efforts to see thathealth care coverage is readily available in America.
Rev. Michael Swartz
Rock Island